Child Spotlight Laurianna

The ultimate big sister

Child Spotlight Laurianna
Laurianna at her violin recital

Laurianna is my firstborn. She is 14, beautiful, talented, and has the kindest heart I’ve ever seen. She is gifted at the violin, bass guitar, drawing, acting, culinary, and singing. She is playing Puck in an upcoming version of Mid-Summer Nights Dream at her school. She goes to the Arkansas Arts Academy High School, and she loves it. She has a weird fascination with poisonous plants too. Growing up she was always outgoing and never met a stranger. Now that she’s a teenager, I’m much less cool to her then I used to be. She likes to stay in her room, often only coming out for food and to check on her brothers.

Laurianna is always protective of her brothers. She constantly is evaluating every situation making sure it’s safe for them. Having two autistic brothers has caused Laurianna more stress than I would wish on a 14 year girl, but she handles it in stride and works every day to understand we don’t have a “traditional” family, but we still have a blessed family.

There is no doubt in my mind that Laurianna is going to do great things. She has the brains and the ability. She also is the best beader I know. She calls them candy, but they are colorful beads she makes jewelry out of. She sales these at local events where they allow her to set up and she wants to start her own Etsy account. I’m blessed to have her and look forward to her continued growth into a woman.