Category: Personal Stories

  • Top 10 Must Haves for Children on the Autism Spectrum

    Affiliate link disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. In our quest to provide the best possible support for children on the autism spectrum, it’s essential to equip them with the right tools and resources. In this blog post, I will explore the top ten items that can empower and engage autistic children, promoting their…

  • Lead yourself better to lead your kid’ best

    Getting up when you’re down I’ve done it many times.  I skip a workout, I don’t shave, I don’t spend any spiritual time, I don’t put in a solid effort at work, I eat too much junk, or I just plain let myself go a little.  I do this all under the guise of “my life is…

  • Staying calm at my brink

    How I try to maintain calmness when I’m being pushed to my limits Fathering autistic kids comes with some moments of extreme stress.  While most of the time my boys are perfectly sweet, there are other times where they both get elevated at the same time.  My daughter who wants to help gets involved, but she also has some sensory issues,…

  • The prompt hierarchy for autism

    How to work thru the prompt hierarchy so your autistic child gains more independence The prompt hierarchy is a tool often used in special needs children to teach them how to do a task, and once the task is learned, to steer the person towards independence.  This is a tool I know well, but often don’t use…

  • Halloween and Autism

    My family’s Halloween tradition Halloween and autism can be even scarier than Halloween on its own.  The crowds of people dressed up walking from house to house in sometimes spooky costumes can confuse autistic kids.  The reward, of course, is lots and lots of candy.  This can also become an issue as cutting an autistic kid off of sweets might trigger a…

  • The importance of teamwork when raising autistic kids

    Getting all the right people involved to get the right strategy for your autistic kid Elijah has moderate autism. He’s 12 and in the seventh grade. He goes to a special education class at the public middle school. Elijah has figured out that if he creates enough chaos, he will get sent home. This has…

  • Self-care while raising autistic kids

    The importance of taking care of yourself when raising your autistic child Self-care when raising autistic kids is hard.  When all your time is devoted to kids it can be overwhelming to find time for yourself.  It’s incredibly important that you do. As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog post,, my ex and I…

  • Top seven must haves for autistic kids

    Seven items you should have for your autistic child *Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. As a father of two boys on the spectrum, I’ve learned…

  • Autistic fits in the car

    How I deal with my boy’s fits while driving Autistic fits in the car can be incredibly dangerous. When one of my boys starts the other one will often jump in too, then I’ve got a situation that can really pull my attention from the road. If your child is in the back and they…

  • Child Spotlight Laurianna

    The ultimate big sister Laurianna is my firstborn. She is 14, beautiful, talented, and has the kindest heart I’ve ever seen. She is gifted at the violin, bass guitar, drawing, acting, culinary, and singing. She is playing Puck in an upcoming version of Mid-Summer Nights Dream at her school. She goes to the Arkansas Arts…