Backyard Bugs – Touch and Feel Board Book Review

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Backyard Bugs – Touch and Feel Board Book is a captivating and interactive book designed to engage children with autism. Through its textured illustrations and sensory elements, this book offers a unique reading experience. In this review, we explore the features that make Backyard Bugs an excellent choice for children on the autism spectrum, emphasizing its sensory engagement, educational value, and potential therapeutic benefits.

Sensory Engagement

Backyard Bugs excels in providing a multisensory experience that captures the attention of children with autism.

a) Tactile Exploration: The touch and feel elements integrated into the book allow children to engage with various textures, such as the bumpy ladybug or the fuzzy caterpillar. These tactile sensations offer a hands-on experience, promoting sensory exploration and providing valuable tactile stimulation.

b) Visual Appeal: The colorful illustrations of backyard bugs appeal to visual processing, capturing the attention of children with autism. The vibrant images help to enhance visual engagement, encourage visual scanning, and promote visual discrimination skills.

c) Sensory Integration: Engaging with the touch and feel elements while observing the illustrations supports sensory integration for children with autism. By combining tactile and visual stimuli, Backyard Bugs facilitates sensory processing, contributing to the overall development of sensory skills.

Educational Value

Backyard Bugs goes beyond sensory engagement by providing educational value that aligns with the learning needs of children with autism.

a) Language Development: The book introduces bug names and associated characteristics through simple and concise text. This promotes language development, vocabulary expansion, and word-object association, supporting the communication skills of children with autism.

b) Conceptual Learning: Backyard Bugs presents opportunities for learning about concepts such as colors, shapes, and sizes. The interactive elements help children grasp these concepts through hands-on exploration, making abstract concepts more concrete and understandable.

c) Attention and Engagement: The interactive nature of the book captures and sustains the attention of children with autism. By actively participating in the reading experience, children are encouraged to engage in the story, fostering their focus, concentration, and active participation in learning activities.

Therapeutic Benefits

Backyard Bugs offers potential therapeutic benefits for children with autism, supporting their sensory, cognitive, and social-emotional development.

a) Sensory Integration Therapy: The tactile elements of the book can be incorporated into sensory integration therapy for children with autism. By encouraging touch and exploration, Backyard Bugs provides sensory input that can help regulate sensory sensitivities, improve sensory processing, and promote sensory integration.

b) Joint Attention and Social Interaction: The engaging illustrations and interactive features of the book promote joint attention and social interaction between children with autism and their caregivers. By sharing the book together, it creates opportunities for communication, turn-taking, and shared experiences.

c) Calming and Self-Soothing: The tactile and visual sensory elements of Backyard Bugs can offer a calming effect for children with autism, helping to reduce anxiety and promoting self-soothing techniques. The book serves as a tool to create a soothing and enjoyable sensory experience.


Backyard Bugs – Touch and Feel Board Book is a remarkable resource for children with autism, offering sensory engagement, educational value, and potential therapeutic benefits. By incorporating tactile exploration, promoting language development, and supporting sensory integration, this book provides an inclusive and enriching reading experience for children on the autism spectrum.

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