Who am I?

My name is Jack Sweetser. I’m a father to three wonderful kids. Laurianna is currently 14, Elijah is 12, and Isaiah is 8. Both Elijah and Isaiah have been diagnosed with moderate autism. This means they need a considerable amount of help in just about every area. They are blessed to not have any physical obstacles to overcome, but they do have significant learning and behavioral challenges. Both are considered nonverbal although they can mand for certain things.

As a father raising these kids I’ve learned a lot and am learning more everyday. I’m nothing special, just a guy trying to give my kids a happy fulfilled life without really knowing how. This blog will be my experiences navigating fathering autistic kids. It will have my successes and my failures. There’s lots of failures unfortunately. If you are reading this I’m assuming you know someone with autism. Be aware that autism is a spectrum and each kid is unique. You can’t lump autistic kids into categories such as all spectrum kids like this or all don’t like that. It’s about learning and understanding your child the best you can so you can best deal with the behavioral issues, to keep them safe, to best help them learn and develop, to be the best parent possible. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you and hope they somehow help you in your journey. Thanks so much for being here.